My Journey to Inna Moment

Aside from styling and confidence questions, what most people want to know about me is how I got here. How and why did I create Inna Moment?

So I thought I'd share a little of my story with you to shine a light on some things you might not already know about my journey.

I've always loved fashion, clothes, shoes, accessories, playing with makeup, creating new looks. It was something that always peaked my interest and I was at a crossroads when I became a new mother and my corporate gig was no longer on the cards.

I enjoyed working in an office environment, for the sociliasing and the consistent income but it never stimulated me, it wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I wanted to be invested in something. I wanted to create something that I believed in.

I'd tried my hand at a start-up already. Wedding Planning and a little side hustle designing fashion jewellery. But the wedding planning thing never got off the ground and deep down, I wasn't passionate about it.

It wasn't until I was at home doing the new born thing that I decided I wanted to learn more about styling. Not just learn, I wanted to educate myself formally and I dove into a professional styling course, while juggling new motherhood (mastitis and sleeplessness) with assignments and using parts of my brain that had lay dormant since school.

I thrived. I was hungry for it. I threw myself in the deep end and my brain was like a sponge. I qualified with flying colours and launched my new business with gusto.

Fast forward several years and I found myself in a whole new country, having to start my business from scratch.

In a small town, that ain't easy.

I knew no one. I was settling in to a new home, a new country, a new hemisphere even, with a 3 year old, a 1 year old and baby number 3 on the way. I had zero support - other than that of my then unemployed husband - and we were grappling.

But I re-launched Inna Moment with anticipation, built a little studio and I put myself out there, making friends, feeling my way around and before long I was opening my doors to new clients, being offered motivational speaking gigs, and writing fashion editorial.

It was all good, but operating my consultancy as I was trained, somehow wasn't quite the right fit for me.

I wanted (and needed) Inna Moment to be a true reflection of me.
And so over time I began to tweak my business model from being all about styling to much, much more.

It always was, to be fair, but now I was just saying it and delivering better services that were in line with what my clients were crying out for and what I was truly passionate about - which is making women feel beautiful, empowered, confident and oozing in self worth.

Because for me, those deeper, more intimate topics is where true style comes from.
Anyone can look fabulous, but if you don't FEEL it, if you don't have that energy, that inner spark of self awareness and self appreciation, it'll never be enough.

So what Inna Moment offers is diverse. Coaching for developing confidence, fun makeovers, interactive workshops, indulgent shopping experiences and shortly a new program that will inspire life changing self development. More on that soon.

And it will continue to need tweaking and require development, because anything of value always does. But if you're still here and would like more info about me and what Inna Moment offers, hit that message button.
