Got Questions?
So I've received a bunch of questions regarding the Style Coach Membership Programme.
Please know that there is an information evening next month that will cover all questions (and I'd love to see you, so do get in touch if you'd like to attend).
But in the meantime, here's the answers to a few of the queries I've had most.
** Nope, there is no timeframe. Your 12 months begins when you sign up and can be renewed at the end of that time if you wish. You will continue to receive tutorials, styling advice, worksheets and the 30% discount for as long as you are a member.
** There is no limit to spaces for this programme. Anyone can sign up, at any time.
** Yes, you can join, even if you're not local to Inna Moment. Your 30% discount will still be valid for virtual services during the 12 months. Inna Moment offers Wardrobe Inspiration skype sessions and much more so get in touch for more info on virtual services.
Got more questions? Get in touch here.