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Revamp & Reuse

As an Image Consultant, I spend a lot of time in women’s wardrobes and often these women expect me to suggest they discard half of what they own. Well let me set the record straight!

I'm a big believer in giving your tired and worn out pieces a new lease of life.

In fact, it's often not always the worn out pieces that need revamping.

How many items of clothing or accessories have we got hidden away that we've just never worn simply because we didn't know how to, or what to pair it with it?

Sometimes, all these pieces need is just a small alteration or a new lease of life to make it totally wearable and a fabulous go-to item.

All it takes a different perspective and a bit of creativity.

To make a boring jacket interesting, try adding some ribbon around the cuffs.

To give an old pair of shoes up to date and funky again, glue some rhinestones on the toe or heel.

There really is no limit to what you can do to any item you might have lying around.

It’s the little extra touches that can take a bland item to a beautiful one.

For more advice on revamping your bits 'n' pieces, or to book a Wardrobe Inspiration session, get in touch with me at

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